Red buffalo.

Submit an Update to WNY Biz Board

Feature news, events, and specials on our website! Make sure to submit updates at least 3 days before you would like them published.

Update Guidelines

We do not publish updates with explicit content, political views, hate speech, violence, illegal activities, misleading information, spam, malware, unverified claims, or personal details.

Your Name *
Organization Name *
Email *
Update Type *
Update Start Date *
Please submit your update at least 3 days in advance.
Update End Date
Adding an update end date is optional!

Update Content

Update Title *
If you need help with a title, type 'N/A' below and we'll create one for you!
Update Description *
If you need help with your description, just share the basics, and we’ll write it for you!
Update Photo/Graphic
Max file size 10MB.
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Update Link
Adding a link to your update helps users easily access more detailed information.

Event Information

If you are posting a general news update or promotion, you may skip this section.
Event Start Date
Event End Date
Attendance Type
Event Link
If you are hosting an online event, please add the link where users can access/sign up for your event.
Event Venue
Hooray! We've received your submission. If approved, your update will be added to our website within 1-3 business days.
Meanwhile, free to share any additional news, events, or special offers you would like featured on our website!
Submit Another Update
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